46. Coming Out, Coping Strategies & Hotline Help with Jerson Castro – The Process

Welcome, Jerson to the podcast! In today's episode, Jerson shares his insight into accepting that you can adapt to what you need and remain true to yourself. He talks about how he used his university wellness hotline to get him through his most precarious moments and connect to a therapist.

Jerson shares the importance of idenifying vulnerable moments and putting his coping skills to work before his mental health takes a hit. He also shares a bit about how coming out effected his mental health in both positive/negative ways. Through this he's learned that key to being stopping people's homophobia has less to do with changing their mind, but accepting himself and his sexual idenity.

Mentioned in this episode

  • NYC Well 1-888-NYC-WELL (1-888-692-9355)

  • National Suicide Prevention Hotline available 24/7 (800-273-8255)

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The content shared here is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, care, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified & licensed healthcare provider.


59. What is Reparenting? And Why It's Important for Your Mental Health


34. Your Brain on Birth Control